
An Actress's Thoughts

18. April 2023
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Zu Gast bei Gesine Cukrowski #LetsChangethePicture

Lets Change the Picture – Interviewt von Gesine Cukrowski Am Ostermontag war ich – als erst zweiter Gast! – zum „Let’s Change The Picture“-LiveTalk von Gesine Cukrowski eingeladen, den Ihr weiter unten nachhören könnt. Gesine hat einen Nachnamen, den sie … Continue reading

20. March 2020
by SchspIN
Comments Off on If I had the German “Order of Merit”….

If I had the German “Order of Merit”….

Spatial isolation does not mean social isolation. There are sufficient serious media, professional associations, trade journals and blogs, individuals and many others who report sensibly and comprehensively on Corona / Covid-19, necessary precautions and help for those directly and indirectly … Continue reading