About SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts
This blog was primarily started to discuss media and gender policy issues as well and to publish studies, analyses, comments and thoughts by Belinde Ruth Stieve.
The first blog text appeared on 16.1.13: SCHSPIN IST AM START – AND ACTION!
What does SchspIN mean?
- abbrev. for Schauspielerin (German -> actress)
- noun, rel. to herumspinnen (g. -> to let one’s mind wander) and weiterspinnen (g. -> to continue the pursuit of sth)
- a productive article in motion, analogous to spinning wheel
How do you pronounce SchspIN?
Use of illustrations and texts / parts of texts:
You are welcome to use or quote my results and illustrations if you 1. do not change them, 2. indicate the complete source and 3. send me a proof of use. The same applies to textual quotations. Complete texts cannot be reprinted without permission.
Belinde Ruth Stieve
Analyses Workshops Talks
Experstieve – Expert for Gender & Diversity
Inventor of the method NEROPA Neutral Roles Parity
Author of the Serienstudie 2022 / Series Report 2022
mail: SchspIN {at} posteo de
Twitter / Insta: @schspin
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