
An Actress's Thoughts

8. August 2019
by SchspIN
Comments Off on UK Television: The State of Affairs

UK Television: The State of Affairs

Gender and Inclusion Policies in British Television Momentarily we hear quite a lot of bad news from the United Kingdom (UK), which actually should have been called UQ United Queendom ever since 1952. The Brexit, the proposed No-Deal Brexit, the … Continue reading

17. April 2019
by SchspIN
1 Comment

“Why aren’t You working with Female Scriptwriters?”

German and British Female Authors ask Broadcasters In the Beginning there were Numbers Female Authors Write Back Letter of German Female Writers Letter of British Female Writers In the Beginning there were Numbers For just over six years now I … Continue reading

5. December 2013
by SchspIN

Well done, Sister Equity!

Equity UK’s Jean Rogers on Equal Representation A few weeks ago the French La Charte pour l’Égalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes dans le Secteur du Cinéma was signed (Vive la Nouvelle Révolution du Cinéma!), the effects of which … Continue reading

19. August 2013
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Schauspiel ist mehr als Text und Mimik – There’s more to Acting than Words and Facials

Schauspiel ist mehr als Text und Mimik – There’s more to Acting than Words and Facials

English Version follows German. Heute geht es zur Abwechslung nicht um traurige Statistiken, sondern um etwas sehr Witziges und sehr Schönes für’s Herz. Reden wir über Mr. Blobby (und gucken vier Episoden seiner Fernsehauftritte an)! Mr. Blobby ist in Deutschland … Continue reading