
An Actress's Thoughts

29. December 2013
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Review 2013: Talk on the Radio

Review 2013: Talk on the Radio There is a weekly radio show on the German station Deutschlandradio Kultur, every saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. called  Radiofeuilleton – Im Gespräch (Conversations). This is a show with one or two expert … Continue reading

5. December 2013
by SchspIN

Well done, Sister Equity!

Equity UK’s Jean Rogers on Equal Representation A few weeks ago the French La Charte pour l’Égalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes dans le Secteur du Cinéma was signed (Vive la Nouvelle Révolution du Cinéma!), the effects of which … Continue reading

7. August 2013
by SchspIN

Are They the News? Old Men and Young Women

And now for something completely different: Today’s survey is not about german or international TV and film productions. Rather it’s some small statistics that I drew up after reading some news. The persons in question are in Germany, but the … Continue reading