
An Actress's Thoughts

13. August 2015
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Ask yourself: What would DRadio Kultur do?

Lately I have heard quite a few people saying that it is the female comissioning editors’ fault so few women directors are working in German television. I have not found any reliable data to support this, but if the appallingly … Continue reading

14. August 2014
by SchspIN

It’s a Men’s Radio World?

It’s a Men’s Radio World? (for public Deutschlandradio Kultur) Twice already I have written about a German live radio show on Deutschlandradio Kultur that is broadcast every saturday between 9 and 11, called IM GESPRÄCH (Conversations). I investigated the topics … Continue reading

29. December 2013
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Review 2013: Talk on the Radio

Review 2013: Talk on the Radio There is a weekly radio show on the German station Deutschlandradio Kultur, every saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. called  Radiofeuilleton – Im Gespräch (Conversations). This is a show with one or two expert … Continue reading

20. November 2013
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Tis Early Practice Only …

“Tis early practice only makes the master.” Discussing possible effects a strong gender imbalance in film and television may have on a young audience (thoughts from London, Los Angeles and Berlin), the Saure Gurke / Pickled Cucumber Award and female … Continue reading

8. September 2013
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Listening to the Radio

Listening to the Radio

Listen to the Radio More exciting than having Bananas for Breakfast every Day. The German media organization ProQuote has just published some new data on men in the media: 98 % male chief editors in the print media, 82 % … Continue reading