
An Actress's Thoughts

29. February 2024
by SchspIN
Comments Off on How are Things with the Film Family?

How are Things with the Film Family?

On 19 February 24, the congress Empowered for Equality took place on the occasion of 10 years of Pro Quote Regie / Pro Quote Film during the 74th Berlin Film Festival. I was asked to give a keynote speech and … Continue reading

31. July 2023
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Family-Friendliness and the Film Industry

Family-Friendliness and the Film Industry

This text is a short version of the keynote I held at Pro Quote Film’s “Family-friendly filming – the concrete congress” on 21.2.23. My first text on this topic was published on 14.4 2014 under the title “Children, cinema, career: … Continue reading

18. April 2023
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Zu Gast bei Gesine Cukrowski #LetsChangethePicture

Lets Change the Picture – Interviewt von Gesine Cukrowski Am Ostermontag war ich – als erst zweiter Gast! – zum „Let’s Change The Picture“-LiveTalk von Gesine Cukrowski eingeladen, den Ihr weiter unten nachhören könnt. Gesine hat einen Nachnamen, den sie … Continue reading

25. July 2022
by SchspIN

When is it a good Story?

When is it a good Story? – German Film Awards for Screenplay 22 Lola for the Best Screenplay Lola for the Best Unfilmed Screenplay Acceptance Speech “But at Second Glance…” When is it a Good Story? Cobbler, Stick to your … Continue reading

29. November 2021
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Old Women. Visibility. Part III

Old Women. Visibility. Part III

Here is the last episode of my Old Women. Visibility. Trilogy. Old Women, visible. Made younger. In Part I from Oct. 29 I mentioned, among other things, that it is not uncommon to rejuvenate characters in film and television through … Continue reading

12. June 2020
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Carpe Temporem – Seize the Time!

Carpe Temporem – Seize the Time!

The Film Industry in Corona-Standstill For weeks and months we‘ve had the – now fading – corona alarm and corona standstill, or whatever this phase will be called in retrospect. The film and television industry paused for a long time … Continue reading

20. March 2020
by SchspIN
Comments Off on If I had the German “Order of Merit”….

If I had the German “Order of Merit”….

Spatial isolation does not mean social isolation. There are sufficient serious media, professional associations, trade journals and blogs, individuals and many others who report sensibly and comprehensively on Corona / Covid-19, necessary precautions and help for those directly and indirectly … Continue reading

12. February 2020
by SchspIN
Comments Off on New Campaign #morethanCorpses

New Campaign #morethanCorpses

TV Cop Dramas – Actresses can do more than play Victims German television is known to be quite crime-oriented. More and more formats, series and individual films of this genre are being produced, and it‘s increasingly rare that they get … Continue reading

8. August 2019
by SchspIN
Comments Off on UK Television: The State of Affairs

UK Television: The State of Affairs

Gender and Inclusion Policies in British Television Momentarily we hear quite a lot of bad news from the United Kingdom (UK), which actually should have been called UQ United Queendom ever since 1952. The Brexit, the proposed No-Deal Brexit, the … Continue reading