
An Actress's Thoughts

31. December 2023
by SchspIN
Comments Off on TATORTE 2023: The Michael Gaze

TATORTE 2023: The Michael Gaze

Seit ungefähr zeitgleich mit dem Fernsehkrimifestival im März 2020 (Fernsehkrimis – die Jury sind wir!) die Pandemie nach Deutschland kam ist es mir gelungen, allen Coronaviren aus dem Weg zu gehen. Aber in der Weihnachtszeit 23 war es leider soweit. … Continue reading

17. March 2023
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Oscars so diverse?

Oscars so diverse?

The US Film Awards 2023 Last Sunday, the Academy Awards 2023 were presented in Los Angeles. I’ve been asked for a comment several times already, so here goes! Many people celebrated the large number of nationalities represented among the award … Continue reading

25. July 2022
by SchspIN

When is it a good Story?

When is it a good Story? – German Film Awards for Screenplay 22 Lola for the Best Screenplay Lola for the Best Unfilmed Screenplay Acceptance Speech “But at Second Glance…” When is it a Good Story? Cobbler, Stick to your … Continue reading

6. June 2022
by SchspIN
Comments Off on TATORT Sammlung

TATORT Sammlung

TATORT-Texte und Krimi-Analysen, von neu zu älter Kürzlich, am 23.5.22, wurde ich von der Journalistin Gesa Ufer im Deutschlandradio Kultur für die Sendung Kompressor interviewt. Das Gespräch gibt es zum Nachhören auf der DLF-Webseite (Warum Kommissarinnen häufig sterben müssen). Und … Continue reading

16. May 2022
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Serienstudie (Series Report) 2022

Serienstudie (Series Report) 2022

Series Report 2022 Who wrote the German Series from 2017 to 2021? Study on the participation of female writers in the creative areas of script writers, creators, showrunners and headwriters of publically funded and non-funded German series for streamers or … Continue reading

15. September 2021
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Not bad if you like Men Productions: German TV Awards 21

Not bad if you like Men Productions: German TV Awards 21

The German Television Awards 21 – Nominations, Fictional Formats Last week, a colleague from Cologne drew my attention to this year’s nominations for the German Television Prize, which will be awarded tomorrow, September 16, in Cologne. In response, I looked … Continue reading

26. July 2021
by SchspIN
Comments Off on Filmfest München 21: New German Cinema & TV Movies

Filmfest München 21: New German Cinema & TV Movies

From July 1 to 10, 2021, this year’s Munich Film Festival took place, for real, in an open-air edition. Four awards were announced in advance, Senta Berger and Robin Wright received the CineMerit Award, Franka Potente the Margot Hielscher Award … Continue reading

18. July 2021
by SchspIN
1 Comment

Babylon Testosterone, Generously Funded

I’m getting so tired of it. Why are feature films and television drama still so often produced without women, why does a menmenmen series get several million €€€ from public film funding, in addition to the million €€€ of a … Continue reading