
An Actress's Thoughts

Looking Forward, Looking Back: Tiger, Cow and Mouse

SchspIN in times of Corona: 23 articles in two years

2022 has just begun, 寅年 (toradoshi), the Year of the Water Tiger. As the Japan Times wrote: “The slow, gentle and hardworking nature of the ox, which manifested the mood of 2021, will be replaced by the speed, strength and power of the tiger in 2022.”

Annual animal as a Japanese mobile phone tag: left for 2010, right for 2022. Photo SchspIN

In a fortnight, on January 16, my blog SchspIN – Thoughts of an Actress will be nine years old. That’s a long time, during which I have published over 150 analyses, comments, articles. – By the way, on 20 January NEROPA will be five years old, but that’s a topic for another day.

In the first three years of SchspIN, I created annual indexes where texts were sorted by topic to make them easier to find. Unfortunately, I did not continue this. But by the 10th anniversary at the latest, there should be a comprehensive index and also some design flaws should be fixed (by that I mean, among other things, that the current theme undermines the comment function).

Anyway, let‘s have a look at my blog’s activities in Corona times: here‘s a compilation of the 11 articles of the last year of the cow / ox and the 12 articles of the year before last of the mouse / rat. Have fun (re-)discovering them!


In the first Corona year, the 4-departments-check – directing, script, camera and music – on German top cop drama TATORT were the biggest group with five articles. They were produced in cooperation with WIFT Germany on the occasion of the “50 years of TATORT” anniversary. In addition, the second text on violence against women in film* appeared in February, followed by thoughts on some incomprehensible German Order of Merit awards in March. In the summer I wrote a text on the Corona situation.

Annual animal as a Japanese mobile phone tag: for 2020. Photo SchspIN

12.2.20: New Campaign: #morethanCorpses

6.3.20: A Commentary on German Public Radio

20.3.20: If I had the German “Order of Merit”…

24.3.20: TV crime dramas – We are the Jury!

12.6.20: Carpe Temporem – Seize the Time!

17.8.20: WIFT Germany & SchspIN on 50th Birthday of Top Cop Drama. Part 1

28.8.20: WIFT Germany & SchspIN on Top Cop Drama. Part 2: Directors

8.9.20: WIFT Germany & SchspIN on Top Cop Drama. Part 3: Writers

5.10.20: WIFT Germany & SchspIN on Top Cop Drama. Part 4: Cinematographers

5.11.20: WIFT Germany & SchspIN on Top Cop Drama. Part 4: Composers

13.12.20: NEROPA-Webinar in Cooperation with WIFT Germany on Dec. 17.

22.12.20: Karin Hanczewski – An Inside-Story


Annual animal as a Japanese mobile phone tag: left for 2009, right for 2021. Photo SchspIN

In the second Corona year I published three investigations in front of and behind the camera: NDR Prime Time Krimis (reprint of an analysis for the Film and Media Office of Lower Saxony), Filmfest München and Deutscher Fernsehpreis. In the last quarter, the trilogy “Old Women. Visibility”. As well as the 3rd text of the “Violence against Women on Television” trilogy.

28.1.21: A Put Two and Two Together: Culture and Vaccinations

21.3.21: Is Germany’s Top Cop Drama Getting into Trouble about Quotas?

16.4.21: Fair Participation: Yes, it is possible.

22.6.21: Rosy times for Men in NDR Prime-Time Cop Dramas

18.7.21: Babylon Testosterone, Generously Funded

26.7.21: Filmfest München 21: New German Cinema & TV Movies

15.9.21: Not bad if you like Men Productions: German TV Awards 21

29.10.21: Old Women. Visibility. Part I

1.11.21: Old Women. Visibility. Part II

29.11.21: Old Women. Visibility. Part III

13.12.21: Strong Woman, Punch her in the Face!


I am currently working on two studies that I will publish here in due course, and also another text is already in the works. So feel free to check back!

And if you’ve always wanted to know how you can support SchspIN: share blog articles you like or are interested in, invite friends or colleagues to stop by or subscribe to the blog, comment on articles, post SchspIN links on your social networks (but mention 1) the source and 2) my handle if I’m also active in the network = Instagram / Twitter: @schspin, Linkedin: Belinde Ruth Stieve).

By the way, this was also a topic at the 2-year anniversary of SchspIN, when there was a register, cake and a link to the blog Spreeblick by Tanja and Johnny Haeusler and the 2015 text “If you want to support blogs” (in German).

Citing sources and including authors should be a matter of course, but unfortunately many people forget this when they post pictures, photos, insights, works and content of others on social media. But now that a new year has just begun, this makes for a good resolution!

And finally: I wish all old and new readers of SchspIN a happy, exciting, insightful, healthy and cheerful new year. Thank you for your interest, your messages, your criticism, your encouragement and your suggestions. (Unfortunately, the comment function is not working properly at the moment, but what you write will get to me, and perhaps I will be able to get it working again in the foreseeable future). Good luck with your projects!


the first part was Taking a Shower on 3.5.17.

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